Alouette II, Alouette III, Puma and even a brand new AS350 B3e Ecureuil.
Great photos again, hit the link for the eyes candy. Continue reading »
Alouette II, Alouette III, Puma and even a brand new AS350 B3e Ecureuil.
Great photos again, hit the link for the eyes candy. Continue reading »
End of September 2013, beginning of spring time.
The day was rather grey, not providing much hope for a VFR weather. Shortly before my arrival at the airport, I was surprised to follow two trucks carrying wrecks. 2 Bo-105, easy to recognize, but not to identify. No clear markings were displayed, only the distinctive olive colour would let you imagine a previous life in the air force.
No clue where they came from, or what happened. Continue reading »
Once every month, the South African Air Force museum in Zwartkop, Gauteng, flies its helicopters. This small air show is opened to the public, but only few people actually come. Unlike major crowded meetings, this makes the event very nice to attend.
What would you see there?
Helicopters, of course, and other aircraft, such as the Harvard. The helicopters are military, with the corresponding colour and markings. Consequently, it is not so easy to distinguish them from the landscape. Photographers would complain that the subject does not really stand out.
Today was a cold spring day at Grand Central airport, in Gauteng province, South Africa. Strong crosswinds let only a few helicopters take-off.
The Alpha XH-1 was the result of a programme to develop South Africa’s helicopter technology base in light of the international arms embargo then in place and the SAAF’s increasing involvement in the conflict in Angola. Continue reading »